I have to admit that I have never heard of Babalon. Personally, I believe that witchcraft and the occult are more than reality. No, I would never accept any of that - however, I believe that one should know as much as possible about it in order to recognize the danger. Now I remembered a book, "The Mystery of Cathedrals" from Fulcanelli (some claim that he is the last living European alchemist, although he would be almost 300 years old today)....uh, this book is strange - after finishing reading I had some strange visions, even today some pictures from the book come to my mind - not as a story, but as if I were there. Strange for me. When I gather a little more things - I send you some links about numbers (I don't know how much you are interested in that, but numbers are always an interesting thing for me to follow). Thanks for this thread - I'm really learning something new, I've heard of Crowley, but not Babalon. The last few texts are also great - sometimes I forget to press Like, but I always read when I get a little more time. Greetings from Croatia. God bless you

P.S. I think jokes are good, it is fine time for joking now - we live in so interesting times

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My sister's friend's father-in-law was a pulp fiction writer back in the day. He was a drinking buddy of LRH who used to tell him that the best way to make a lot of money was to start a religion.

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Thank you. Same!

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There is definitely money to be had in this arena.

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deleted12 hrs ago
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deleted12 hrs agoLiked by The Straight Juice
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I wasn't mocking. My apologies. I'll remove my comment. I make jokes, and have no ill intent, but without knowing me, or some special font, it often backfires...you'd think I'd learn.

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The occult is an interesting space filled with truths and lies, and a pathway to understanding this construct and more, but is a delicate road.

Speaking of dreams, I've spoken with many, and lately this appears to be a trend. Veil maybe thinning? Who knows.

I make many jokes in person, with the intent of levity, as these are hard times, but I also recognize it is a period of much stress and by way of text, easy to.misinterpret. My time in the military (years ago) was filled with humor to alleviate an otherwise stressful period.

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