

I saw the Twitter post: https://x.com/DailyNoahNews/status/1812270462266691990

Not enough names to be an "assassin" of a US President... They always have three names.

Appreciated the comment.

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I'm in agreement. After this slightly rushed article, I drew out some of these lines on Google Maps, and the angels didn't add up.

Now they're speaking of another shooter, or two...

That being said, even an incredibly skilled sniper, to purposefully miss by that little is possible, but very risky. Yet, the odds that an advanced Secret Service sniper team, conducting their sight survey, missedsome of the most obvious line-of-sight hide spots, left a ladder, ignored warnings...speaks of a purposeful play, to allow access to the places and deny coverage of them. The 20-year-old was the blatant distraction of a greater magic trick.

What isn't risky is firing some random shots, having Trump drop and apply something to his ear and face, or someone help while he's down. I'm not saying this is what happened, but I don't dismiss this or something along these lines that I haven't thought of. I could be wrong here, but Trump's doctor and any medical exam has been withheld, and at this point, anything that comes out could easily be doctored (pun intended) to fit the evolving narrative.

As more information roles out, it becomes clear that the information operation is working overtime to convince us it was a sniper, and that either a 20 year old with no note, no voting records, no manifesto, no online political rants or comments of political subjects, using an AR-15 (not a sniper platform), that he borrowed (so maybe not even zeroed to him) - please, was the sniper (very unlikely).

Or now, "deep state" actors and secondary sniper teams (more plausible) - but really, at this distance with more than one team and ample time, they missed, please...as prior military/federal law enforcement and a firearms instructor I call BS.

Mexico successfully assassinated 30 presidential candidates. If we're talking about the depths of a true Deep State, were basically accepting that multiple highly trained teams all failed, even after Trump got up, pumped his fist and paused for his photo op, they were unable to take a single shot. Implausible.

For me, at this time, the only thing that passes multiple lines of questioning - is this was a planned event, to boost Trump's popularity and iconic status. The only thing I can't answer is HOW he got a bloody ear.

I could be wrong, this is simply my take.

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Distraction does well to push forward agenda items...oldest magic trick is misdirection.

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One interesting thing.... There is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense.

This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the crown and scepter of Jerusalem.

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I totally forgot about that. Fascinating, and adds up, as there were pieces that didn't quote fit my overarching hypothesis: Trump is part of a greater play, tied to prophecy (forced or otherwise). Thank you.

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About prophesy... I have asked Many this question:

How do We tell the difference between metaphysical manifestation (prophesy come true) and psychopaths in control using scripture as a playbook, keeping believers doing nothing to stop Them, just waiting for some Other to come along and "fix it?"

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I had a similar discussion with one of my buddies. If events align with prophecy, orchestrated or not, does the knowledge of nefarious, willful intent, change the prophecy or outcome. We arrived at the conclusion that it does not.

An example given, was how do/would you describe an advanced technology to a group never exposed to technology (e.g. Sentinels Islands). The converse, how would a nontechnically advanced group explain advanced technology?

Prophesy may be simplified or edited (by early Heliophants, Masons, Rosicrucians). Whatever the underlying reason for less info, the outcome is the same, and aligns with the second paragraph. (Bible adjacent texts, like Acryphon of John do appear to fill some gaps).

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Well, humbly, I have no religion - was raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion. So I take “prophesy” with a grain of salt.

My point was not about changing prophesy, but that if One had a book someOne wrote of “prophesies,” and many People are convinced that it’s real and from some God, and One had lots of money and lakes it appear as if the prophesies are coming true, getting the People to do something…

How would We tell that scenario from an actual God prophesying things, and then manifesting them?

And that latter suggests there is no free will…

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I will add, I very much believe there is Free Will.

I too grew up without religion. I have gravitated toward certain truths (in my opinion, and based on my present unserstanding) I've found manifested in many religions, and largely stemming from the wisdom of Yeshua.

This was a long process, based on layers of analysis and evidence, not arrived at lightly.

This note does little justice to the complexity of the subject, and simultaneously a certain simplicity to it as well.

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I have has a spiritual experience that put Me in a different perspective, but yes, free will exists.

My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

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Sadly, to read I must pay, and I am... Elderly, disabled (psoriatic arthritis with bone spurs in My thumbs – typing hurts, but I do it anyway, slowly), denied assistance, targeted, lost everything, destitute and homeless, crashing on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 10+ year old laptop.

I cannot pay. Ah well.

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Jul 17Liked by The Straight Juice

What’s the ritual?

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Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it [killed the ram]; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by The Straight Juice

First appearance of the magic number "33". Source: name of alleged deceased victim "C"orey "C"omparotore. Not definitively proven, but what with the Illuminati game card and all, this event stinks to high heaven. Very comprehensive analysis BTW.

Just put Comparotore through Deepl translator Italian to English and it translates as "compartmentalised". We're watching. Closely.

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Thank you for your comment. Yes, there are odd shades of symbolism here that are hard to dismiss and ignore.

Not only symbolism of name of victim, but from a psyop perspective, he’s the perfect victim for the conservative movement: a firefighter (hero check), a father who shielded his daughters (real man check), and church-going (religion check).

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Jul 14Liked by The Straight Juice

Author below questions why the elleged shooter was using a gun not suited to the job ( not what a sniper would use- inaccurate, low power, small projectile not suited to distance) and he wonders why he only fired a few shots? Anyone that has used semi- auto weapons knows that he could have fired more rounds and would have had more possibility of hitting the target.


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Jul 14Liked by The Straight Juice

That was the name of the 1st person they said shot Trump. He kind of looks like Tom Pool. 100 percent fed up.com has his picture. As does Elusive Truths on youtube.

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Jul 15Liked by The Straight Juice

Tim pool. Sorry.

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Figured as much.

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Jul 21Liked by The Straight Juice

A quick observation: For the bullet to graze Trump's ears, he should have been in the 3 o clock position but all mainstream media and their alternative media shills are deliberately obfuscating that fact. I have seen the shooter being situated in the 5 o clock position and in the picture above in your article, he is in the 2 o clock position (as Trump faces the microphone).

What do you think?

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Prosthetic ear and ear squib perhaps…speculation. May never know.

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You might appreciate this podcast on the known facts 3 days out of the event (lots of weirdness has come out since, but it the basics):


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I'll give it a listen. Thank you.

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This is the Event Story publicly known 3 days out. The narrative has been twisting and turning every day since. I am posting reference articles in my notes as I find interesting material on the Assassination Attempt Event. The news is like watching live market product testing to see what story that most people will believe and then nail it down as official.

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Just listened. I can see them attempting narratives to see what works. I can see them doing this to simply overwhelm and muddy all waters, so nothing much sticks and people are fed up, don't know what's true - ultimately selling the idea of the "deep state," ensuring this label means certain democrats, and never points to true puppeteers.


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Rewatch Jack Reacher and tell me this does not sound familiar except they zeroed out the patsy:


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Very well could be another seed planted.

Hollywood is riddle with occultist symbolism, revelation of the method (occasionally), and various forms of programming.

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Very true.

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Jul 17Liked by The Straight Juice

Excellent work! Thank you for your thoughtful, thorough, and measured analysis. I hope we see people with various info and expertise respond in kind so that we can flesh out the answers to the open-ended, open-minded questions you pose here, along with whatever new ones organically arise in pursuit of the truth.

I realize (and empathize) that for some even broaching and approaching such a topic with a certain degree of skepticism and intellectual curiosity may not sit well, but I actually wrote a great deal about atrocity propaganda vis-a-vis the infamous Nayirah "Incubators" testimony, "Slava Ukrani!" agitprop, and the incongruities surrounding the Oct 7th attack here:


If I may be forgiven the solecism, I humbly encourage people to give it a read if their first instinct is to shut down, or emotionally lash out, in the face of seemingly unseemly inquiry. And though, personally, I find the occult elements here fascinating, I also would suggest that those who are not so inclined do not allow such esoteric conjecture to interfere with their processing of more practical concerns with the narratives surrounding these events.

Thank you!

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Jul 17Liked by The Straight Juice

the whole world is a stage and we are all actors ... will i am shake spear... mean while,while we are distracted the w e f agenda is full steam ahead

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Jul 14Liked by The Straight Juice

Mark Violets?

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Not sure your meaning. Violets in esoterica (the occult) often refers to an inner transformation.

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