
Covert, charming, subtle manipulation and harm versus blunt tool of violence... Yes, one seems both more pervasive, accepted, and consequently, harmful.

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Thank you for your high praise.

At this time I have no plans for a book on the subject material, although much more can easily be written, as this article is a starting point.

The number of narcissists and sociopaths appears largely unstudied, and therefore untracked, and likely for some of the reasons outlined in the article, namely, the narcissistic sociopathic leaders don't want the population to catch on.

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Aug 9Liked by The Straight Juice

One observation I have on the interplay between narcissists and sociopaths is the hierarchy, if you will, between these individuals. It plays out in the sociopath (ASPD) manipulating the narcissist (NPD). As an example, Stalin was likely a sociopath and Roosevelt and Churchill likely narcissists. Stalin got what he wanted from these leaders-the talent and treasure of the Allies, with ease, offering the Soviet soldiers who had no human value to him as fodder. And he got what he wanted in the decimation of the Polish people, whom he hated in particular. See Lend-Lease programs for details. Sean McMeekin’s Stalin’s War, is a deep look at this.

Many good crime novels twists incorporate the narcissist as perpetrator, while pointing to the sociopath who benefits, with no visible ties to the crime. It leads me to look around the narcissist and wonder who the sociopath behind the curtain is. Ultimately it is Satan at the top of the chain of command.

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Yes! Excellent observation and analysis. I agree. Many of the political class, puppets, are narcissists (same for entertainers in Hollywood and Music Industry) who have their sociopathic puppet masters behind the scenes.

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Aug 28Liked by The Straight Juice

The boundaries between ASPD and NPD aren't so sharp. They're two facets of the same disorder, imo.

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I'd agree, the overlap is significant.

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Aug 28Liked by The Straight Juice

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your article. I'm a bit of an "expert" in the field too. I've often wondered whether the whole jab psyop was also meant to further induce personality disorders in the general population. Psychologically (by inflicting narcissistic wounds), but also chemically (through adjuvants/additives). I believe it would be functional to Empire.

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First, thank you kindly!

Secondly, it appears that the answer to your question: was the jab psyop's intent to induce personality disorders?

In short, a resounding yes, it was indeed one element of the overall plan.!

In fact, I'd expand that thesis to encompass the whole Covid Affair. Lockdowns are isolating and psychologically harmful. Wearing masks are psychologically harmful, developmentally stunting, and cause physiological harms that further exacerbate one's mental state. The Hegelian Dialectic, the blatantly split the jabbed and unjabbed broke numerous relationships, again, very psychologically stressful and damaging. It forced people to break old pattern or to move (moving, job changes, divorces and death being some of the most psychologically traumatic experiences one can experience) - and these shots caused disabilities hurting individuals and those caring for them, caused deaths - again, more pain.

From an occultist perspective (not mine, but Kabbalists who worship unseen entities) they work hard to create pain and suffering as the energetic value appears to be feed for the entities they worship, known as loosh - true or not, that appears to be their belief structure.

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Sep 15Liked by The Straight Juice

😎☕️ survivor and overcomer. Great article. Great reference worth sharing. When I look around in public or work, I see many levels of these conditions. On social media reviews, it is a plague of it. Tik,FB,Meta,Snap,IG are the main ones. Save the children folks.

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Aug 28Liked by The Straight Juice

Left and right. When there's a cult, there are narcs. And, the US...the West... is a cult.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by The Straight Juice

A really good modern version of political ponerology. please tell me you are turning this into a book? It would be eminently readable...and please throw in all the Cluster B types as they do overlap more than we suspected 50 years ago!

I'd love to see someone like you do a new study on the extent of sociopaths and narcissists in society today..I do think it is sociopaths at least 5 percent and narcissists now around 20%.

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