Thank you for a very informative, well-thought-out and well-written article. I have already shared it with some of my closest friends who can appreciate this kind of work.

I do agree that Harris may be a harlot, but is not THE harlot. I also pray for her salvation. My concern is that her life will be in danger when “they” are done with her, whoever “they” are.

I may be a rare outlier, but I do not believe the West or America is the harlot either. The West, or America, has been *a harlot, to be sure, but I think we need to look for a slightly higher truth that encompasses our observations of these smaller details. I do believe the harlot of Babylon is a church, or better, Church, unfaithful to whom she claims is her Husband, and an absolute mockery of the Bride of Christ.

This 8-min video describes it with far better articulation than I could.


Although I would add to it, that most don't realize that the coloring is speaking to the order they are in. Purple: the order of Melchizedek. Pearls: I believe are indicative of priests or the priesthood. Again, to mock them, the way the Harlot mocks the Bride of Christ. All of those colors talk about different satanic orders.

Thank you again for such an excellent post. I learned a lot from it, and esteem your publications enough to share them with those whom I know are questioning everything in the pursuit of truth, whatever the cost.

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Thank you for such a lovely comments. I appreciate your insights and will look into them. My conclusions could be wrong, but the journey toward truth is not.

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Jul 31Liked by The Straight Juice

Way too esoteric for my brain...I thought babylon the great was the united States...as we have fallen so far into Empire at least during my lifetime..the Harlot is the our g9vernment now totally own3d by international corporations and billionaires who have destroyed the people...come out of babylon..it says..for her destruction is nigh. Hope most young people living here will take heed. I'd leave myself if I wasn't so damn old.

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Esoterica can be rather challenging, as so little of the occult is taught or known. That being said, sounds like you've got a similar set of conclusions.

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Jul 31Liked by The Straight Juice

My mind wanders about 1/3rd of the way into a long paragraph….and I guess I just don't grasp the gnostic thing…..I mean good and evil materialism..cause the earth does belong to the devil…so where does good come from? I mean nature is red in tooth and claw?..

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Author

This is a long and complex subject. The Gnostics wrote many books trying to decipher reality and the esoteric aspects of Christ's message, and they're not always easy to decipher. That being stated, I'll indulge.

This is the nuts and bolts, the simplest explanation I can write (but it glosses over much depth - and without a greater argument may be easily dismissed as the mental wanderings of a nut):

We were created by a True God (or Goddess - Sophia according to Gnostics) Creator. He/She put part of herself into the world she created (Tiamat/Eden) and into us humans (at the time known as Aryans).

There was a great cosmic battle, known as Lucifer's Rebellion (an archangel with partial creative powers, not endowed with spirit like Humans/Aryans). Lucifer didn't agree with God/Sophia's plans, he wanted to override Free Will, which is part of the True God Creator's universal construct. Lucifer wanted to be worshipped as The true god.

Tiamat/Eden was destroyed. Lucifer lost the great cosmic war (most world religions and myths speak to a great cosmic battle) and was bound to his fabrication/matrix - Earth. He was able to bring many soul/spirits to Earth, trapping them in his materialistic construct (Gnostics refer to Lucifer as the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth).

Good is in each of us as we're endowed with an aspect of God. Lucifer (and his minions - archons/fallen angels with help from the Nephilim and their descendants aka globalist 'elites' - Genesis 6 Conspiracy) have worked hard to sway people from truth and God, but within the framework of Free Will.

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Jul 31Liked by The Straight Juice

Well that's a little clearer..thank you

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You're welcome.

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Aug 25Liked by The Straight Juice

She is a ho

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Aug 16Liked by The Straight Juice

And Big Government has been the PIMP

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Aug 16Liked by The Straight Juice

How bout this: The Harlot of Babylon is the church, they’ve been taking people’s livelihoods and giving them false doctrine in return, whilst making them ignorant to sound doctrine🤡🌎

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I like that analogy! It may be epitomized by a person to explain the broader trend of a failing Babylon, which the Church played a huge role. In fact, upon reflection this "age" has been dominated and defined by Church.

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Aug 16Liked by The Straight Juice


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Aug 1Liked by The Straight Juice

Yes. Yes, she is.

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Jul 31Liked by The Straight Juice

Big Mike was that thing

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Big Mike, insofar as Michelle Obama once being a man? Yes, as far as I can tell, multiple lines of evidence indicate this.

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