
Yes, they are spraying an incredible amount of toxins into the air, and they've ramped up their efforts over the decades.

What's likely made it worse is nanotechnology, making compounds, like 3D Nano Graphene smaller and thereby easier to getintot the lungs and bloodstream.

What could be our end, would be swarms of nanobots devouring resources to replicate.

I've written on chemtrails in detail here:


And smart dust here: https://open.substack.com/pub/thestraightjuice/p/smart-dust-vaccines-and-mind-control?r=288p2b&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I'm sosl sorry for the challenges you and your family are facing. It is frustrating, angering, difficult... There aren't enough words.

You are not alone in these challenges or this fight.

Here are a few things that may help with a partial detox and the respiratory issues:

Glutathione SR (help rid graphene oxide)

Loquat (helps many with respiration)

Nebulize hydrogen peroxide/water solution

High vitamin C


Doing these in addition to other health protocols may help see some relief. I have talked to numerous medical professionals that are stumped by recent respiratory events.

It is my contention it is a combination of chemicals sprayed into the skies and an increase in EMF radiation. Turning off WiFi at night, cell phone, grounding...combined with the above seems to shorten or prevent much of therespiratory duress.

You're now included in my prayers. Your strength in these times, an inspiration.

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I have partially written about this, here: https://open.substack.com/pub/thestraightjuice/p/are-we-headed-for-a-new-dark-ages?r=288p2b&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

That substack is more about the psyop being laid for a planned future power infrastructure event. I did dig into the Carrington Event, here's the nuts and bolts.

Official Narrative:

The Carrington Event refers to a powerful geomagnetic solar storm that occurred in September 1859. It's named after British astronomer Richard Carrington, who observed the associated solar flare. This event caused spectacular auroras visible as far south as the Caribbean and caused telegraph systems worldwide to fail or operate erratically due to induced electrical currents.

It is likely a lie:

It's intriguing that according to Google's Ngram Viewer, the Carrington Event had no recorded mentions from 1800 to 2019, and specifically had 0.000000000000% recognition until 2010-14. Similarly, auroras in 1859 were also unrecognized throughout that entire period. This suggests that neither the Carrington Event nor the 1859 auroras were mentioned in any books until the early 2010s.

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With all the scamdemic and poisons we have to endure today, my daughter who just had a 37 week term pregnancy and birthed a small 4 lb baby girl who is in NICU and both her and my son in law are experiencing a flu and or pneumonia that keeps persisting. Got better and now is getting worse again. I'm really starting to feel like meaningful moments to human beings mean just about as much as squashing a cockroach to the globalists, in the whole scheme of things. My heart is broken. But I will persist and will not waver until some day. Justice.

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So, therefore I showed you how sincere I am. I subscribed.

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I'm old school and hold to the belief that actions speak louder than words. Your actions speak to your sincerity. Thank you.

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I have no words. When I read what level of research at great lengths you write about, I am blown away. Thank you thank you so much. 🙏 You have become an addition to my "priorities to read" and one of my guiding lights. My plate is full, but I shall return. I need to know more about you. You are epic.

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These are truly touching, heartfelt words, and I greatly appreciate them! Now to try to continue to live up to such praise.

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Have you written or researched anything on the Carrington Event? A Facebook friend tried to warn me about this catastrophic event. Since the discussion began around the year 2010 when globalists started meeting about depopulation and the Great Reset, I decided not to delve into at the moment.

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Jun 25Liked by The Straight Juice

if they keep spraying our skies with nano particles if aluminum, and who knows what else, we wont make it to 2028 https://youtu.be/uaCJ7pVlZxo?si=nGNRhY7eO8HC5CyK

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From my substack entry on “chemtrails.” A partial list of toxic chemicals found in the skies and in soil samples.

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