May 17Liked by The Straight Juice

Fantastic report. Thanks.

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Thank you!

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by The Straight Juice

The problem with Elon Musk is that his vision of the future is so materialistic in nature, which, oddly enough, does not contradict his potential occult connections.

By keeping us focused on some sort of Materialistic Utopia, we would miss the otherwise Spiritual Reality that is our hope for the future.

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Exactly! Good comment and analysis!

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Jun 25Liked by The Straight Juice

WOW! excellent article. I have been saying for a long time now that I think EM is the antichrist or the one who will bring him in. I even believe that Trump is not who people think he is, same for our Pierre Poilievre here in Canada. They are masters at distraction and subversive manipulation. Relieved I'm not alone in my thoughts. So glad Jesus has already won the battle! Keep up the good work.

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May 24Liked by The Straight Juice

Great Article.

As you said on the note you left me... we are not in Opposition.

FYI... The Hypertloop of Elon Musk is based on my Invention...



Elon Musk’s dad, 76, confirms secret second child — with his stepdaughter... what a family


Elon Musk and the war in Ukraine


And Elon Musk a Haldeman and the Forever war


Inevitably AI will be the Machine learning God... as you say Grimes promotes in "We Appreciate Power"


One thing people don't get is the involvement of Elon Musk & Covid

His NEURAL LACE BCI Technology was inside the Vaxx Jabs

The Aim is the AI War.


And of course the Association with Elon Musk and IDF Unit8200


The result will be planet Auschwitz.


Again... we are on the same line here... this is not in opposition but rather in addition to your great Article.

For years now I been writing about Elon Musk and that he is a devious character.

Project Omega


STARLINK is the most dangerous weapon ever to be build against Humanity.

It is also the backbone for AI warfare infrastructure.

And this AI war I been warning people for years.

But the evidence is clear.

They are building as we speak an army of Robots and STARLINK is central to their plans.

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Thank you for your reply, research, and the links!

I have read a couple of these, not all. The AI War, and what AI truly is, has been prevalent on my mind.

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May 24Liked by The Straight Juice

Thank you... I appreciate it very much.

The more we make people aware of the dangers... the more we win this war.

However we must be extremely on our toes as they feel cornered already... see ICC.

They know we are onto them... which makes them extremely dangerous.

Think about Hiroshima... think about Israel.

It is a war of Propaganda and as I can see the tables turning I see the horror in their eyes.

Which means they are capable of anything but nothing good.

Everything is possible.

Least of all I don't feel so alone anymore taking crap from all those shitties.

I want to change the world as we know it... because a new golden age for Humanity lies before us all.

Truth is the foundation... Education is the key... and Freedom is the glue that holds it all together..

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Jun 28Liked by The Straight Juice

Interesting sounding stuff until one digs into your SS. It seems you have built a SS around anti-Semitism and every ill of the world according to you is because of the Jews. You certainly have the right to spew unsubstantiated trash, but it says everything that you need to glom onto an article like this to get attention and promote your thinly veiled hate.

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Antisemitism does not exist… it is a lie… it is a 80 year old Grandmother pretending to be a virgin.

The Kol Nidre however is the Jews holy prayer… it is an absolution to lie.

That’s why most of them lie.

The Jews are quite Insane… thinking they are God’s chosen people and that they can do anything to us without us calling them out.

Guess what… I write Truth to power… a liar isn’t Human… I have no respect for liars.

The Jews are the ones living on hate… hate war… divide an conquer… lie about it… worse of all the Jews believe their own lies… as do you it seems.

And it is people like you who hate the truth who are the problem.

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I agree on all points.They last lines resonate, as we do seem on the cusp of something great, but probably after great challenge.

Good will prevail, predicated on truth, love, and freedom.

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May 24Liked by The Straight Juice

I like that and I would like that but they disabled my ability to like anything... so I say that.

I like that and I agree!!!

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May 22Liked by The Straight Juice

I am at least skeptical of Musk. In my opinion,I really don’t believe he is the great “good guy” that most perceive him to be. He does a good job of getting and talking with the people and takes their side of some important issues. I prefer to keep him at a distance. I believe he is playing with things that he may not quite understand, or he does. When you have money to do what you want or attain what you want at the snap of a finger, over time you will get bored; especially a mind like his. He only has the option of exploring wild never before attainable endeavors.

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You said it, playing with stuff he doesn't fully understand.


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